Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wedding Decor Part 3 of 3: Dress your wedding like you dress yourself!

As we age, we start building a signature style. We begin to frame ourselves, how we want others to experience us. When we shop we ask ourselves – is this me? Does this fit my style? Smart shoppers know that a true bargain is something that we really wear – that truly becomes a part of our wardrobe. We all agree on these rules.

So why do we throw out all of these rules when we plan our wedding?

An engagement brings on the temptation to shop and to bargain hunt, then suddenly everything wedding and bridal goes into the cart. When it’s all said and done you reach your wedding day with a bag full of wedding trinkets that were cheap individually, but have added up to several hundred dollars collectively and none of it truly reflects your style.

Here’s a perfect example: A bride of mine shopped so much at JoAnn Fabrics that when she returned all the random stuff she had bought “on sale”, it was enough to cover her lighting design bill!

How do you dress your wedding as you dress yourself? Ask yourself these questions:

- Does this work for me?
- Does this reflect the wedding style I’m trying to achieve?
- Where will I put this?
- Is it exactly what I want?
- How does this purchase affect my price per table?
- Is it worth it?

Remember to design your wedding thoughtfully and with attention to detail – just as you would, yourself.